Up Coming Release Items
My intent early on with this blog-ish page was to post quite often but for some reason the phone app stopped allowing me to post from my phone so adding photos and the like is a bit of a pain and I havent been over motivated to do so. None the less I intend to do it more often. I’ve got a few release items coming up in the near future. I currently have 4 custom damascus scalpels in the works that should be really cool. Two of them are a twist pattern that I have not used before and I think its going to end up really something special. I also am going to do a few non knife items. Ive got a good bit of damascus and other materials that arent the correct dimensions for knife work but would be cool for some other custom items so just for something fun to play with I’ll have those coming up.
With the help of AI I came up with a new sticker design that I thought was kind of fun. I have a ginger cat and I thought it would be funny to put her in some Vietnam era military clothing and slap a custom scalpel in her hand. Came out pretty cool so I had a bunch of stickers printed. When I have the new batches in I plan to put some sticker packs up on the website.